Sore throat can occur for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is sore throat coming together when a person is coughing or having a fever. However, there are also many cases in which someone does not know what causes of sore throat they experience because they are often underestimated.
Sore throat is inflammation of the throat caused by infection. This infection is generally acute and attacks the throat tract. Symptoms of sore throat that are often experienced are as follows:
Pain when swallowing
There is a lump in the neck area
Blood in saliva
In general, sore throat is caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The type of bacteria that often causes sore throats is Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus group A, while the type of virus that often causes sore throat is influenza, the virus that causes measles, and the virus that causes chickenpox.
Another cause of sore throat is often underestimated
In addition to bacterial or viral infections, sore throat can also be caused by several factors that not a few people know, namely:
1. Allergy
Strep throat can occur when allergies attack. Types of allergies that can be caused include dust, pollen, or exposure to pet hair.
2. Lack of water intake
Lack of drinking can also make the throat dry. If you do not drink immediately for a long time plus consumption of spicy or hot foods, this can trigger inflammation in the throat.
3. Smoking
Smoking cigarettes and being exposed to cigarette smoke can trigger inflammation in the throat. If you are a smoker and often experience strep throat, it is better to immediately stop the habit.
4. Exposure to chemicals
Exposure to chemicals such as household chemicals that are burned can cause irritation to your throat.
5. Consumption of alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can make the throat area dry. If you don't compensate for it by drinking enough water, it can cause sore throat.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an indigestion caused by an increase in gastric acid to the throat area (esophagus). Because the nature of gastric acid is acidic, if this increase often occurs then irritation can occur and trigger inflammation of the throat.
How to prevent sore throat
Although sore throat can be caused by many factors, there are several ways to prevent this disease. The following are some steps to reduce the risk of strep throat infection:
Routine hand washing using soap and running water after using public facilities.
Routinely clean items in areas of the house that are most often held by family members such as door handles, TV remote, or remote AC.
Reduce or stop smoking and alcohol consumption.
If you have a history of allergies, avoid sources of allergies that can trigger sore throat such as dust and pollen.
Improve your diet by increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits every day. Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins and minerals that can increase endurance, so that exposure to disease-causing germs is not easy to enter the body.
If you are now experiencing sore throat and you feel a prolonged fever, immediately consult a doctor so that you can get a direct physical examination and get optimal treatment.
For temporary treatment at home, you can consume warm and soft drinks and foods, consume more warm water, gargle with salt water or antiseptic mouthwash, take adequate rest for 7-8 hours at night, and avoid stray inflammation like smoke cigarettes.
Sore throat is not a recurrence, but if you don't know the cycle and the mechanism of prevention, it can recur. For that, knowing other causes of sore throat that is often underestimated by many people is very important so you can take various preventive steps.
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