Monday, 2 September 2019

Butter vs Margarine, Which Which? Butter vs Margarine, Which Which?

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Butter vs Margarine, Which Which? - Hello, Healthy Friend! Surely you are already familiar with butter and margarine, right? Yep, until now there may still be many differences of opinion about these two types of fat sources. Then, which one is better? Come on, find out here!

A glimpse of butter!
Apparently, butter has been known for a long time even before margarine was made, Healthy Friend! Most butter is made from cow's milk fat, although it can also be made from other animal milk. Making butter is relatively easy. Healthy Friends. The manufacturing process is to stir until the fat molecules stick together and eventually become solids. You can definitely make your own at home right?

But, excessive consumption of butter or butter  can have an impact on our health, you know, Healthy Friend! This is caused by saturated fat ( saturated fat) in it.  Excessive consumption of saturated fat can cause health problems such as obesity, an increase in LDL (bad cholesterol), and its relation to the risk of heart disease ... Very dangerous yes!

A glimpse of margarine!
From this fact, the experts finally created margarine, a new product that was considered better. How to make magarin not as easy as butter because it takes additional solutions to improve the quality of butter equivalent, Healthy Friend! In addition, there is also a hydrogenation process for compacting it because, as we know, vegetable oil is liquid at room temperature.

Some studies reveal that margarine can not be a negative impact on health. This happens because margarine also contains trans fat due to the manufacturing process (hydrogenation).
Just like saturated fat, trans fat can increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL (good cholesterol), Healthy Friend!

Then what is better?
Lisa Moscovitz, RD., An expert and CEO of the NY Nutrition group gave the answer. When it comes to butter or margarine, the correct question is not which is healthier, but which has fewer adverse effects if consumed. Yep, in this case, butter has fewer adverse effects because margarine contains trans fat that appears during hydrogenation. But, there are also tablets that are free of trans fat. On the other hand, margarine has more unsaturated fat than butter, and that's good, Healthy Friend!

Healthy friends still can not avoid the consumption of butter and margarine?

The following tips can make it easier for you to choose the best butter or margarine! Listen!

Yep, look for margarine which has a trans fat of 0 grams.

Products that claim 0 grams of fat content may still contain trans fat, why? Yes, that's because a food company can claim their products contain zero trans fat as long as they contain less than 0.5 grams per serving.

  • Trans fat hardens at room temperature, the harder the margarine is, the more trans fat it contains.
  • Choose the product that suits your taste because this can minimize excess consumption.

But if you really want to eat healthy foods, replace butter or butter with olive oil , yogurt or mashed avocados. It doesn't taste delicious, healthy friend!

6 Tips for Successful Diet 5: 2 6 Tips for Successful Diet 5: 2

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6 Tips for Successful Diet 5: 2 - Hello, Healthy Friend! Have an ideal body would be everyone's dream. Many argue that having an ideal body means that you can wear clothes of all sizes, can pass on narrow streets while showing off, and most importantly for girls it means to be able to buy and wear clothes as they like. Healthy Friends agree?

Different kinds of diets must have memorized them girls ! Have you also heard of the  5: 2 intermittent fasting diet or the 5: 2 diet ? For your information,  this diet is very simple! You can eat anything according to your daily habits for 5 days a week, but for two days, not in a row, eat only 25% of normal total calories (500 calories for women and 600 for men). Healthy friends interested? To succeed in this diet, pay attention to the following 6 tips, yes, Healthy Friend!

  1. For 5 days in 1 week you can eat normally as usual without thinking about calorie intake should. Simply put, Healthy Friends can eat whatever they like without worrying.
  2. Then on the other 2 days, Teman Sehat must reduce calorie intake to a quarter (25%) of daily needs. If the normal requirement for Healthy Friends is 2000 calories, then Healthy Friends consumes only 500 calories in those 2 days. Can you do it or not?
  3. It is recommended to fast on Monday and Thursday, because in principle the 5: 2 diet is not allowed to fast for 2 consecutive days to prevent fatigue in the body. So, there must be a break between fasting days.
  4. For those who run the meal and breaking the fast try to keep your calorie intake strictly controlled. Whereas for those who do not run the meal and break the fast can eat 2-3 times but with small portions.
  5. It is important to stress again that the meaning of the word "you can eat anything for 5 days a week" is the total number of calories consumed in accordance with the body's daily needs. If the friend remained healthy eating junk food  and high-calorie for five days, then it is not to lose weight gained weight but it will continue to grow.
  6. Try to focus on nutritious, high-fiber, and high-protein foods that will make your stomach feel full without consuming too many calories.

This diet can be applied by anyone? Just like a diet in general, pregnant and breastfeeding women and diabetics must consult with a doctor or nutritionist before starting this diet program. In addition, this kind of diet can be unsafe for teenagers and children because it tends to lose important nutrients needed for growth. If not controlled properly, this diet can risk the emergence of unhealthy eating habits and even eating disorders . So , Healthy Friend want to try?

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Foods High in Calories, Good or Not?

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Foods High in Calories, Good or Not? - Hello, Healthy Friend! Have you ever heard that high-calorie foods are not good for the body? For example, if you eat fast food with a high carbohydrate, fat and sugar composition, it turns out that the calorie value is high, you know! Even though every day your body needs lots of energy with high caloric value to carry out activities, but it turns out that consumption of foods with high caloric value is not good, you know! I wonder what is the cause? Want to know, so let's check it out!

What the heck, calories?
Calories are units of energy produced from food consumed. The value is different, depending on the type of food consumed. There is a greater calorific value or caloric value. Well, that's why we have to consume various types of food, so that our calorie needs are met.

What are calories for? So, calories are obtained from food consumption, will be used as energy for doing daily activities. The source of calories you use as energy doesn't only come from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But also from vitamins and minerals that will help the metabolic processes in your body.

High calorie foods and 'empty' calories
Do you like it, do you eat food in fast food restaurants or snacks with high carbohydrate, fat and sugar content? Or do you often eat one type of food and drink that has a high caloric value? Yep, conscious or not, apparently you often eat this one food.

Several factors such as time, taste, packaging and attractive advertising are the reasons for you to choose this type of food. But you know, it turns out that this food is a type of junk food with 'empty' calories. Why is it empty? Because these foods have high caloric value, but the content of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber) is low or even non-existent.

Empty calories are usually derived from foods that contain high fat and added sugar. The content of fat and added sugar in junk food , will make you addicted to consume it, because the combination of sugar and fat causes dopamine increases.

Increased consumption of sugar from these foods, will increase the risk of obesity, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, consumption of foods high in fat and excess salt will increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and heart attacks.

How do you deal with it?
Come on, start reducing and limit consumption from now on. Why? The low amount of micronutrient intake that is in high-calorie foods, will make you only get a little intake of micronutrients. It's a shame, if you eat foods that are high in calories, but they are used up for daily activities, and there are no micronutrients that enter the body to help the process of metabolism?

Start by eating a variety of foods, such as the principle of my dinner plate. One plate that contains 1/3 staple food (carbohydrate source), 1/3 vegetables, 1/6 side dishes (animal / vegetable), 1/6 fruit by limiting sugar, salt and oil intake. Don't forget to drink water and make it a habit to wash your hands before eating.

Remember, healthy friend, you can consume any kind of food as the number one message in balanced nutrition, with a condition to set the pattern of food consumption and nutrient intake that you need. Come on, stay healthy with a variety of food consumption!

Green Coffee can Lose Weight, Really?

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Green Coffee can Lose Weight, Really? - Healthy Friend, have you ever had green coffee or green coffee? If it's green tea, you must have tasted it. He said, green coffee has the same benefits, with green tea, which is to lose weight. But isn't it true, consumption of green coffee can lose weight? Want to know the answer? Let's see the explanation here!

What the heck, green coffee?
Green coffee is a coffee bean that has not passed through roasting or roasting porses. As you know, coffee beans are harvested when the skin is red. Coffee beans that have been separated from the flesh of the fruit, then dried so that the color is greenish.

Well, this coffee bean is referred to as green coffee or green coffee. This designation, applies to all coffee varieties, such as arabica, excelsa / liberika or robusta. Green coffee has a aroma that is not as strong as coffee normally, because this coffee bean does not go through a roasting process that can add to the distinctive aroma of coffee.

This is a substance that can make the body 'slim'
According to the American Chemical Society,  green coffee can have a weight loss effect on the body. The results of research conducted on a group of people with excess body weight, who are required to consume 1 ounce of green coffee every day, that is, body weight can drop to 10% of the initial body weight.

According to the researchers, a substance that helps the process of weight loss in green coffee is chlorogenic acid. This substance, is still contained in coffee beans that are not through the roasting process. If coffee goes through the roasting process at a temperature of around 240-250 C ° (464-482 ° F).

How do you do this?
Substance chlorogenic acid is a chemical compound that has antioxidant properties and has benefits for the body, such as helping you lose weight. This substance will help the body to accelerate fat burning and  slow down the release of glucose (simple sugar) from the bloodstream.

This process causes decreased insulin resistance, so that it can prevent weight gain. It doesn't only help you lose weight! Chlorogenic acid can also inhibit or rebell cancer cells, as antidaibetes, antiviral hepatitis B, and antihypertensives.

Well, now you already know the benefits of green coffee?  You can consume green coffee as a way to lose weight. But remember, keep consuming according to your needs and apply the Balanced Nutrition Principle (PGS) so that your weight loss program remains healthy. Don't forget, give a comment below after you try green coffee, Healthy Friend!

Say 'No' to Obesity! Say 'No' to Obesity!

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Say 'No' to Obesity! - Healthy Friend, did you know that obesity is a non-communicable disease (PTM) ranked 5th cause of death in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Yep, in 2018 an increase in the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia in 2018 amounted to 21.8%.

Obesity can happen to anyone who does not apply lifestyle and eating patterns that are not right. Especially for you who have a dense activity, so you don't have much time to exercise and eat healthy foods. Well, to prevent this, let's find out more about the disease! So, let's check it out!

Obesity is caused by an imbalance between the amount of incoming energy and what is needed by the body for various biological functions, such as physical growth, development, activity, health maintenance. This problem can happen to anyone, from the age of children, adolescents to adults.

Physical activity
Physical activity is very closely related to burning calories and fat. It is not uncommon for people who exercise to aim to burn calories, fat and train the heart to be more healthy so as to avoid obesity and heart disease.

But, how do you do physical activities for you who are 'super busy'? Simply, according to research conducted by Dewi, physical activity such as going up and down stairs, helps someone to burn eight calories per minute. So, don't forget to set aside a little time to avoid this disease and train the heart to be more healthy.

Dining pattern
Diet also contributes to increasing the risk of obesity, you know! Simply reduce or avoid the consumption of sweet foods such as cakes, packaged drinks, or soft drinks  when doing work or work. Excessive consumption of junk food and other fatty foods can also increase the risk of this disease, you know!

Well, the solution for you who like snacking and eating junk food , try to replace your snacks with fruits or vegetables, such as salads. Consumption of these foods will increase antioxidants and polyphenols which can maintain your body's health. Also bring lunch or start choosing healthy foods that you will consume when eating heavy.

Now you know, if this disease turns out to be caused by many things, one of which is a lifestyle and inadequate diet. Come on, start to apply the two tips above! Although it looks trivial, but it can help you avoid obesity, you know! C'mon, start implementing healthy living, Healthy Friend!

Friday, 28 September 2018

Don't Misinterpret Symptoms of Liver Fatty as Stomach Disorders

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When the stomach feels pain or nausea, stomach disorders are often considered to be the cause. Though there are various other disorders that can cause it, including fatty liver or fatty liver.
As the second largest organ in the body, the liver functions to process whatever is consumed and filter everything that can harm the body. The formation of fatty liver (steatosis) can interfere with this function. Fatty liver occurs when the liver is covered with fat more than 5% of the total weight of the liver.
Recognizing the Difference in Fatty Liver with Gastric Disorders
Fatty liver can be divided into several types, namely fatty liver in consuming alcohol (alcoholic fatty liver), non-alcoholic (nonalcoholic fatty liver / NAFL), and that occurs during pregnancy. All types of fatty liver are characterized by a number of symptoms, except for non-alcoholic fatty liver.
When fatty liver has been running for some time, it is possible for the sufferer to experience pain in the upper right abdomen, fatigue, and weight loss. There are also other symptoms such as nausea, confusion, or difficulty concentrating. The skin of the neck or armpit looks black.
At first glance, the symptoms of fatty liver are similar to gastric gastric disorders. The symptoms of gastritis are similar to fatty liver, which is nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. However, the pain of gastritis is usually felt in the upper abdomen. If it is severe, this pain is usually also accompanied by vomiting of blood or red stools.
In addition to gastric gastric disorders, gastric and intestinal infections or gastroenteritis also have symptoms similar to fatty liver, namely nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. It's just that this disease is generally accompanied by fever, headaches, or muscle aches.
Conduct an examination to the doctor
To ensure the condition of the liver, the doctor will perform a physical examination, especially the abdomen. The liver organ will feel slightly enlarged when touched. Examination can be continued with a blood test. Possible tests will show liver enzymes higher than normal limits if true fatty liver occurs.
If inadequate, patients will be asked to undergo an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI examination, to clarify how much fat is in the liver. Further examination can be done with a liver biopsy. A biopsy will confirm the condition of the fatty liver as well as its cause.
The appearance of fatty liver can be affected by several types of diseases. Some conditions or diseases that can increase the risk of fatty liver include high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism, sleep disorders, and others.
How to Overcome Fatty Liver
The condition of fatty liver cannot be treated or performed surgery. Generally, doctors will provide recommendations to reduce risk factors by improving lifestyle. For example limiting alcohol consumption, maintaining stability of cholesterol and blood sugar levels and losing weight.
In addition, doctors will also advise patients to choose healthier foods to improve fatty liver conditions, for example by replacing red meat with chicken or fish, and eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
The doctor may also recommend fatty liver patients to get hepatitis A and B vaccinations. This is needed to help protect the body from viruses that can worsen liver damage.
Apply a healthy lifestyle to prevent liver disorders. Then, don't mistake the symptoms of fatty liver as another condition. Immediately consult a doctor to ascertain the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing and the right way to deal with them.

These are the Benefits of Reflection Massage You Can Get

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If you feel sore and tired, reflexology may be your choice to overcome fatigue. Unlike the massage method or regular massage, reflexology focuses on several points in certain body parts such as feet, hands and ears. Traditional medicine experts believe that these points relate to all the nerves of the internal organs in your body.

Reflexology is one of the traditional medical techniques from China and Egypt. The hands and feet contain millions of nerve endings, and reflexology in this area is believed to be able to detect and treat various health problems that you may experience.

Various Benefits of Reflection Massage
Reflexology is chosen by many people because this type of massage is believed to provide certain health benefits naturally without the need to consume drugs. Generally, reflexology is considered safe, although too strong a pressure can cause pain and discomfort for some people.

Reflexology therapists use the thumb and other fingers to suppress nerve points in your hands and feet. Sometimes a tool is also needed when massaging or applying pressure on the feet or hands, in the form of rubber balls, rubber bands, and wooden massagers.

Some of the benefits of reflexology that you can get, including:

Give a relaxation effect
Reflexology performed in the hands and feet can reduce anxiety, help overcome fatigue, and increase relaxation that can help you sleep better. Research shows that this effect is also felt by pregnant women. Reflexology for pregnant women can be seen as having a good impact on overcoming fatigue in pregnancy.
Overcoming headaches
If you experience headaches caused by stress or anxiety, you can do a reflection massage to reduce the headaches. Based on the study, as many as 23 percent of patients said they no longer felt headaches or migraines, and 11 percent of headache sufferers stopped taking drugs, when doing regular reflexology.
Helps recovery after stroke
Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted due to various reasons that can cause many complications. Usually, this disease occurs due to a blocked or ruptured brain blood vessel. Many stroke patients do reflexology as a therapeutic companion for medical treatment. Pressure given at certain points in the hand or foot is believed to have a positive effect and increase the physical ability of stroke patients.
Overcoming constipation
If you experience constipation or constipation, you are advised to do a reflexology massage. Research states that alternative treatment methods with massage can help overcome constipation. This benefit is thought to be related to the relaxation effect obtained from reflexology.
Relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis and cancer treatment
Reflexology is also believed to relieve pain in patients with multiple sclerosis and cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The benefits of reflexology look good to help overcome nausea and pain after chemotherapy. However, reflexology cannot replace the role of medical drugs given by doctors.
Although it has various benefits, reflexology cannot be done by everyone. Reflexology is not recommended for those who have circulatory problems in the legs, hand and foot injuries, experience centengan, calloused feet, diarrhea, have open wounds, fever, have a low platelet count, or suffer from thyroid disorders.

Before doing a reflection massage, you are advised to look for therapists who are experienced and have professional competence. If you are in doubt, consult your health condition with a doctor before doing a reflexology massage.


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